Fighting Chance

In which Miri Robertson begins the adventure of her life.

This is a story I think I’d have more to say about if I were reading it for the first time, and if the characters were new to me instead of already familiar from other stories written earlier but set later.

As it is, the main thing that occurs to me to say is that I wonder about Katy Tayzin’s determination not to go offworld. We learn more about her family history later, but as I recall it we don’t ever learn anything specific to explain that.

Tomorrow: “To Cut an Edge”

4 thoughts on “Fighting Chance

  1. Susan Kelly

    I think it was partly explained when Miri was reunited with her clan – perhaps fear of balance by Katy’s grandfather, instilled by her (Katy’s) mother?

  2. Paul A. Post author

    There is that, of course. I don’t remember it seeming like enough of a danger to explain the intensity of Katy’s determination in this story, but perhaps my memory is at fault (wouldn’t be the first time!). And, of course, the perspective we get on the balances of the situation in the reunion sequence is not the same perspective Katy’s mother would have had and passed on to Katy.

  3. Ed8r

    This is one of the stories that I enjoyed much more this time around, especially reading it in chronological order. The first time, I just failed to make all the connections that are going to be more significant later.

  4. Ed8r

    And the third time through, it all falls together even better.

    I did find myself wondering about Katy’s lungs. The symptoms seem very similar to TB. Did we hear from Liz about some merc adventure than might have begun the sickness?

    Remembering the point made in “Sweet Waters” about different planets supplying needed nutrients, I wonder about the suitability of Surebleak as a home for Liadens. (Although the symptoms described and the pilot’s thought about being near the ocean in “Sweet Waters” seem to point to iron deficiency anemia there.) Perhaps Katy’s diminished financial resources left her unable to afford needed supplements for her diet on Surebleak.

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