Saltation – Chapter 42 & I Dare – Chapter 58

Day 201
Standard Year 1393

In which Theo brings her business to the Delm of Korval.

The fact that it’s Clonak on the gate leads me to wonder whether he recognised a family resemblance in Theo, and that formed part of his decision to let her in. He did, after all, know her father well and for many years.

Speaking of family resemblances, Theo’s first words on being reunited with her father are exactly the same as Val Con’s.

There’s apparently been some disagreement among readers about the way I Dare ends, so for the record I personally found it a perfect and delightful note on which to end the Agent of Change series, and would have thought myself entirely satisfied if that had been the last we ever heard of Liadens. (Though I am, of course, glad now that it wasn’t.) To me, it didn’t come across as a loose end, but as a reminder that even with the Department defeated, the wide universe still contains new discoveries and new adventures, and the children of Korval are not the kind to live quietly ever after.

Tomorrow: New adventure.

2 thoughts on “Saltation – Chapter 42 & I Dare – Chapter 58

  1. Paul A. Post author

    (errata: In the paragraph above about the end of I Dare, I originally got confused and wrote Saltation instead. I don’t recall that there was much disagreement about the end of Saltation; nobody thought it was a good place to end the series, but that was all right because we already knew there would be more series to follow.)

  2. Ed8r

    I, however, was not at all pleased with the end of I Dare; it felt like an intrusion on the story I had been enjoying. Only because I came to the series late, so I knew I could find out more, was my annoyance somewhat soothed.

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