Dragon in Exile – Chapter 32

Jelaza Kazone

In which Surebleak is invaded.

Some of the annoying tourists doubtless are just annoying tourists, and some, as Quin suspects, come to test Korval’s melant’i, but there’s also the possibility that somebody might be planning to use the horde of tourists as a diversion while they attempt to do some real damage. I think Jeeves’s emergency declaration indicates that he has also considered this latter possibility.

Quin’s particular annoying tourist has a Solcintran accent, which indicates that even though the tour is being offered by a somewhat disreputable outworld, some of those who have taken it up are from Liad itself. One does not need to be from an outworld to be somewhat disreputable.

I wonder if this is going to turn out to be connected in some way to the still-unresolved question of whether the Council of Clans has been encouraging people to act against Korval.

2 thoughts on “Dragon in Exile – Chapter 32

  1. Othin

    “House Security declares a Level Tow Emergency. Repeat: we have a Level Two Emergency. All staff remove to emergency positions, now. Children and cats to the secure rooms, now.”
    I had a good laugh at Jeeves wording. I wonder what kind of secure rooms the cats found and if all of those were among officially designated secure rooms. Or did staff go and hunt for the cats. Or maybe Jeeves had special way of making the cats go to secure rooms? I imagine favorite and smelly treats being placed in those places.

    @ Ran Dom (is the name a play at random?) gives a fine example of pretensions and believing in being superior, also he wishes to be seen as Solcintran. No way of knowing if he came by his accent honestly or if he learned and cultivated it.

    @ Council seat
    I wonder how common the practice for outworlds is to have their own Council and still keep a representative seat on the Liaden Council of Clans. And how much power has such a representative? Is it just one seat per outworld? Or does every High House outworld Clan have such a seat?

  2. Ed8r

    I had a good chuckle about the directions for cats, myself. Remember the commercial about herding cats? I can just see it now. However, Jeeves does seem to have a special affinity for the cats, so perhaps there is some kind of arrangement that would draw them to the secure rooms, smelly treats or not.

    Surely the name Ran Dom cannot be anything but an intentional pun?

    Good questions about the relationship of outworld Liadens with the Council of Clans

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