Accepting the Lance – Chapter 7

Jelaza Kazone

In which Bechimo’s crew prepare for action.

Stost is missing the crew and seems like he’d welcome a chance to serve on Bechimo again, but hasn’t yet reached the point of coming right out and saying so except possibly to Chernak. Chernak might feel the same, but seems to be trying to talk herself out of it. Both of them are probably used to thinking that it’s not up to them where they get assigned, which would have been the case in the life they’ve left behind, but here and now I reckon if they expressed a preference it would have more effect than they’re used to.

I had wondered if the portmaster would consider that running a test case involving a Complex Logic would be incompatible with her desire to give the survey team nothing to complain of, but Theo makes a pretty good case for why it might be counted in the port’s favour. (Surveyor Veloz might complain if he notices how many people involved in the test case are Korval kin, but he’d probably complain anyway.)

1 thought on “Accepting the Lance – Chapter 7

  1. Ed8r

    Regarding Stost and Chernak:

    I’m not entirely sure that their preferences would immediately have been given consideration. I rather think that they might have been talked out of it, because they are known Pathfinders/Explorers. I think the Delm still would want them to try for a place with the Scouts or one of the mercenary teams.

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