Accepting the Lance – Chapter 29

Jelaza Kazone

In which the Road Boss ponders retirement.

Miri’s right about Natesa. I’m not sure whether it’s a genuine oversight or not, even if it is the Department behind this. On the one hand, the Department could be aware of the threat Natesa poses and just have chosen to let their catspaw wear the consequences. On the other hand, the same Department that underestimated Miri because she was Terran (right up until she became Delmae Korval and thus an honorary Liaden) might now be engaged in making the same mistake with Natesa.

3 thoughts on “Accepting the Lance – Chapter 29

  1. Ed8r

    I was interested to note that as Miri ponders the letter, she thinks of Boss Surebleak in terms of the male pronoun, he.

    (Paul, you might have a couple typos in the post above. The first is in the subhead, where the word retirement is missing its second letter e. The second possible mistake is the word wear where I’d expect to see the word bear. . . . And I suppose I may as well also mention how much easier it would be to read the last sentence if you enclosed the whole “right up until” clause in commas or even em dashes. You’re more than welcome to delete this whole “editor’s notes” section in parentheses after you make any corrections you choose.)

  2. Paul A. Post author

    Thanks for pointing out the typo in the heading, and I’ve added some more punctuation to the long sentence that hopefully will make it more readable.

    “wear the consequences” isn’t an error, although I can see how it might look that way. It’s an established idiom in the version of English I speak.

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