Tag Archives: necessity exists

The Gate That Locks the Tree – Act 6, Scene 1

Exploring Inner Landscapes

In which Toragin doesn’t believe in adventures but does believe in promises.

There’s something going on with Toragin. I’m not sure what it is, but it’s something to do with her having been taught that she’s Not Supposed To Get Angry. And being “not of the usual type”, in a way that’s “barely socially acceptable” and which “the Healers would not heal”. And believing in social bonds as absolutes. And being “good at research”. Something on the autism spectrum, maybe?
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 15

Jelaza Kazone

In which Korval is keeping its head down.

And now we’ve caught up with the final chapter of Neogenesis.
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Neogenesis – Chapter 26


In which Korval is keeping its head down.

Oh, yeah. And the survey team. I’d forgotten about them, what with so much else going on.
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Neogenesis – Chapter 22


In which a long day comes to an end.

Okay, credit where it’s due: that was an extremely satisfying conclusion to the subplot I’ve been griping about for the last couple of posts.
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Neogenesis – Chapter 20 part V

In which Val Con and Miri gather information about their visitors.

This is the first mention I can recall of there now being two separate branches of the Scouts, but it doesn’t surprise me. I presume the schism is a consequence of the events surrounding Korval’s big play and subsequent exile, and the subsequent removal of a chunk of Liaden society to Surebleak. Liaden society as a whole was divided over how to view Korval’s actions, and although many Scouts had a sympathy for Korval it is not to be supposed that they were unanimous in their approval.
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Neogenesis – Chapter 20 part III

In which Val Con and Miri are not getting much sleep tonight.

Chapter 20 is shaping up to be a long chapter, to the point that I’m almost wondering if I need to subdivide the sections even further. Makes sense, though, since this is the chapter where a whole bunch of plot strands come together, not just from this book but from the four books preceding it.
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Neogenesis – Chapter 8


In which Korval goes visiting.

Kamele has a come a long way in her understanding of risk and safety since we first met her.
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The Gathering Edge – Chapter 37


In which there are many meetings.

Any one of these problems would be relatively easy to deal with by itself; it’s the way they’re all happening at once that makes things difficult.
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The Gathering Edge – Chapter 28


In which Bechimo‘s crew plan their approach.

Or perhaps we are not getting more thrilling action just yet. I hope this is building up to something really good, because it’s taking a lot of chapters to build. (And again, this is something I made worse for myself by reading one chapter at a time.)
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The Gathering Edge – Chapter 27


In which Win Ton discusses his student’s future.

It probably says something about my priorities as a reader that my reaction to the end of this chapter was something along the lines of, “All this getting-to-know-each-other is fine, but at last! more plot!”
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