Tag Archives: shib

Crystal Dragon – Chapter 31

Quick Passage

In which Clan Korval exists.

I had always assumed, before I read the duology, that the Tree-and-Dragon emblem of Korval was a combination of the emblems of the two founding lines, and that since the Tree was obviously yos’Phelium’s contribution, the Dragon must have been yos’Galan’s. This turns out to be true in a sense, since Clan Alkia’s emblem is a dragon (which is not just the mascot of Light Wing after all), but it seems kind of unbalanced when yos’Phelium has dragons of its own.

Though perhaps the way to look at it is that both lines are represented by the Tree and the Dragon. yos’Phelium is the tree (for the obvious reason) and also the dragon (because of the branches-with-wings); yos’Galan is the dragon (for the obvious reason) and also the tree (perhaps representing, for Tor An, the piata tree that grew by his family home, and by inference the home itself and all that went with it).

The Clan investiture (which reads very much like a wedding ceremony, which I suppose is not inappropriate) also gives us our first mention of melant’i.

It occurs to me that one of the side-effects of reading on a fixed schedule of one chapter per day is that it messes with the pacing. An author who wishes to give the impression that events are picking up speed might go for lots of short chapters, but at one chapter per day shorter chapters mean that events proceed slower (and the long, slow chapters zip by in comparison).

I had completely forgotten the wrinkle involving Mr dea’Gauss’s family. I look forward with interest to seeing what Cantra intends to do about it.

Crystal Dragon – Chapter 21


In which it’s not always true that old soldiers just fade away.

I said in the comments for last chapter that the emotional parts of these novels are just as important to why I love this series as the plot mechanics, but I’m not good at talking about them. This is a true thing.

So it should not be taken as any slighting of the emotional parts of this chapter that the only thing I have to say is to note that we’ve now been told Fern is female (but still no description of what she looks like or what her voice sounds like, apart from the self-evident fact that she moves like a pilot).

Crystal Soldier – Chapter 30

Spiral Dance
Gimlins Approach

In which Jela receives assistance from several unexpected directions.

Or else: In which events take a dramatic turn and shoot off into left field. If I didn’t already know what was coming next, I think I would be having real trouble not going straight on to the next chapter.

(Incidentally, explicit confirmation that Jela’s whip thing is a shib. Now I can consider that question settled, and stop second-guessing myself.)

Crystal Soldier – Chapter 26


In which the Uncle seems reluctant to let his guests depart.

I said it, didn’t I? Things getting Interesting.

I was thinking just a few days ago that we hadn’t seen a shibjela yet, and wondering if it was going to turn out that its association with Jela was just a groundless folklore. I guess I can consider that question well and truly settled.