Tag Archives: yo’Zeamin

I Dare – Chapter 39

Day 52
Standard Year 1393

Department of Interior Command Headquarters

In which an appropriate moment has arrived.

Here’s an important detail: Commander of Agents recalls an exercise he was taught many years ago as an Agent-in-training. What this tells us is that the Department has been around a long time, and that this Commander of Agents is not the first person to have been in command of it. (If the nature of the training given to Agents is not a recent innovation, it also suggests the disturbing idea that although he is now in command, to some extent he’s acting as a puppet of some long-dead Commander of times past.)

There are some cracks appearing in the Commander’s all-business persona. Have we ever before seen him say anything as vituperative as he does about Anthora here?

Plan B – Chapter 34

Department of Interior Command Headquarters

In which the Commander of Agents considers his options.

The Department has a tendency to overestimate Korval’s propensity for malicious conspiracy, and I suspect this is because the Department assumes Korval is like itself. (Though, to be fair, Korval’s results probably do look a lot like the outcome of a cunning plan if one is not inclined to believe in the famous Korval Luck.) I think I’ve said that before, but this seems like an appropriate time to say it again.

Another thing this seems like an appropriate time to say, even if I’ve said it before, is that the Commander of Agents is a really unpleasant person, and the way he treats his employees doesn’t bode well for the universe if the Department ever does manage to conquer it. One gets the feeling that at least some of the Agents of Change are just as much victims of the Department as the people they’re sent to enact Change upon.