Neogenesis – Chapter 16 part I

Admiral Bunter

In which Hazenthull is observant.

I was a bit harsh about the switching between storylines last time, and as it turns out unfairly so: this time, though I was expecting it to, the pull to continue didn’t cut off when the story switched. It could be that we’ve now reached the point where every storyline’s got going, so even when it switches away from a storyline where things are exciting, things are just as exciting in the storyline it’s switching to.

I don’t know if it means anything that the chapter heading says Admiral Bunter when the first scene is actually on Tarigan. It might be that the rest of the chapter is mostly on Admiral Bunter, but that’s not the way it’s generally worked in the past; usually the chapter heading has said where the chapter starts, regardless of where it goes afterward. Maybe the authors went back and forth a few times about which place to start the chapter, and the heading got confused.

Tolly’s lesson about not getting cocky after pulling off something special worries me. It’s a good lesson to teach, but the fact that the authors included it feels like it might be foreshadowing, and that we’ll be seeing someone later finding out what happens if you don’t learn the lesson. I hope it’s not going to be anyone we like.

1 thought on “Neogenesis – Chapter 16 part I

  1. Ed8r

    PA: the authors included it [makes it feel as if] it might be foreshadowing.

    I had that same impression. I don’t think we’ve seen it develop into a plot point as yet/?

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