In which Fer Gun visits a friend.
I’ve enjoyed this story a lot. Without wishing to slight any of the others, it’s definitely my favourite Liaden story of recent years.
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In which Fer Gun visits a friend.
I’ve enjoyed this story a lot. Without wishing to slight any of the others, it’s definitely my favourite Liaden story of recent years.
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In which Chi yos’Phelium’s son is born.
Good morning, Daav. Welcome to the world. It’s going to have its ups and its downs, but that’s life for you, I’m afraid.
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In which there are pirates on the loose.
Yes, apparently this novella has two Chapter 7s.
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In which Fer Gun thinks before he signs.
I think this is the most detailed explanation we’ve had of how there came to be so few people in Korval.
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In which Comet is hiring.
This will be the first post to drop after I finished reading the novella, so I’m bumping the original opening paragraph to apologise for how touchy I was last week. There was other stuff going on, and my anticipation for this story was one of the bright spots of the week, so I was a bit defensive about it. I don’t want to discourage anybody from being enthusiastic about this story, or from sharing that enthusiasm with other readers, particularly since I share that enthusiasm myself.
Now, on with the story:
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In which Fer Gun begins to be introduced to people.
Fer Gun is still accepting things without thinking them through. But at least he remembered to scan it first, so that’s something.
I like the recurring thread of Fer Gun being bemused by houses that have names, “like ships”. It’s easy, after having spent so much time reading about people living in such houses, to forget what a strange idea it is to people who haven’t.
I find that I share Chi’s hope that she will have an opportunity to speak to the cousins.
In which Fer Gun pen’Uldra gets married.
And so here is the context for the things that had puzzled me about Chi’s behaviour.
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In which Fer Gun pen’Uldra is not diligent.
I have always liked Lady yo’Lanna, and her appearance in this chapter does not change my opinion.
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In which Petrella yos’Galan is diligent.
I had some things I was going to say about how I still didn’t understand why Chi is going to these lengths, but they’ve been rendered moot by the helpful person in the previous post’s comments who wished to spare me the trouble of waiting for the story to explain itself. So.
I like the discussion of the difference between offending nobody and offending everybody.
The thing Petrella thinks she remembers about Line pen’Uldra, which has not yet been revealed, is I suspect likely to be connected somehow with the fact of Fer Gun being the last of the Line.
In which Fer Gun pen’Uldra is given an offer he can’t refuse.
I was right: I did know the protagonist’s name from somewhere. I was also right when I decided it would more entertaining trying to figure out where as the story went along than it would have been to just look up the answer.
In fact, I enjoyed having no idea where the first chapter was going so much that I’ve decided to do this novella a chapter at a time, to make the enjoyment last a bit longer.
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