Balance of Trade – Chapter 34

Day 166
Standard Year 1118


In which Jethri is called up for testing and certification.

Therin yos’Arimyst, the Hall Master who is to be responsible for testing Jethri for certification as a member of the Liaden Guild of Traders, is reputed to be very conservative. This mixes good and bad: on the one hand, it means Jethri isn’t going to have an easy time of it, but on the other if the conservative accepts him then he’s properly accepted, whereas if the judgement were made by a more easygoing person there might have been other more conservative Guild members still inclined to question it.

Another noteworthy bit of physical affection: Miandra places her hand on Jethri’s face, which for a Liaden is a particularly intimate gesture, reserved for close kin and other loved ones. Little wonder Meicha hisses at her.

2 thoughts on “Balance of Trade – Chapter 34

  1. Ed8r

    Since Miandra is well aware that this touch is reserved for intimates, is she deliberately sending Jethri a message, one that he does not recognize?

  2. Ed8r

    Before Jethri opens his letter, we are given a description of the garden, including this: Nothing seemed disturbed by yesterday’s rogue wind.

    This reminds me: Are we ever given a clear idea of exactly how much damage was done by the wind twist? A real tornado might have destroyed all their vines, which would be a huge impact on not only their own livelihood but that of all the workers they hire. I know it seems as though the clan is well-off, but I don’t think the wines are a mere hobby.

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