Ghost Ship – Chapter 1


In which Bechimo has hope.

But before the new adventure begins, we have a Bechimo‘s eye view of the events of Saltation, which is largely recap for the benefit of new readers and those who didn’t just finish reading Saltation yesterday, but slips in a few new details about Bechimo‘s capabilities and world view.

If Win Ton was the first person to step inside Bechimo in over five hundred Standard Years, that would appear to rule out the idea that Bechimo‘s a product of the shipyard mentioned in Trade Secret, however well the incidental details seem to fit; it’s been less than three hundred years since the events of Trade Secret.

3 thoughts on “Ghost Ship – Chapter 1

  1. Ed8r

    PA: it’s been less than three hundred years since the events of Trade Secret.

    You have been keeping me apprised of the timing of events in these books; it’s not something I scrutinize very closely at all. Does this apparent discrepany ever get resolved?

  2. James Lynn

    That depends on what you mean by resolved. We get a construction date for Bechimo in Neogenesis, but we don’t get an explanation for the discrepancy.

  3. Ed8r

    Okay. So a firm date, even though it doesn’t seem to agree with what we’d expect.

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