Tag Archives: Old Tech

Dark Secrets

In which the crack team of Kilsymthe and yo’Dira deal with some unfinished business.

Being that this story involves an entirely new cast of characters at an entirely new location, it’s a bit short of indications about where it fits in relative to the main series. It’s more recent than the Jethri books, since the team-up of a Terran spacer and Liaden is unpopular in some quarters but not considered a remarkable innovation. The bit about “the asterisked end-notes in the ven’Tura Tables” might indicate that it’s before the Tables were properly revised. Caerli uses the technique called the Smuggler’s Ace; the earliest mention we have of that is in Scout’s Progress, but I don’t think we know how old it already was then, so that doesn’t help much.

The list of customers at the drinkery includes two women in “librarian’s robes”, which I’m not sure what to make of.

Accepting the Lance – Chapter 72

Jelaza Kazone

In which Korval catches up on the morning news.

There seems to me to be a lot of book left for where we’re at.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 71


In which Bechimo is free to fly.

As I said at least once before, way back near the beginning of this project, it’s always something when fictional characters have philosophical discussions about whether their life is proceeding according to some pre-ordained plan.

It wouldn’t be at all true to say that Bechimo‘s visit to Surebleak accomplished nothing, of course, but I notice that they’re leaving with the Pathfinders they were planning to drop off, and the cat they were planning to drop off, and the tree they were planning to drop off, and even the ship they were planning to drop off…

Accepting the Lance – Chapter 69


In which the reward for a job well done is another job to do.

And it’s another job that’s going to involve talking to ships with their own intelligences. Being bonded with Bechimo probably means Theo has more of those to look forward to.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 68

Six of Us
Daglyte Seam

In which further discussion is called for.

What with one thing and another, Scout Commander yos’Phelium is going to have some ‘splaining to do when the report of this day gets filed.

Claidyne has an advantage in talking to the Assembly, in that she she shares with them the experience of having been a captive intelligence and then given the ability to choose, in a way that not many humans do.

Accepting the Lance – Chapter 66

Six of Us
Daglyte Seam

In which the Assembled come to add their voices to the discussion.

I’ve used “This is a short chapter and I can’t think of anything to say about it” once already for this book, and that’s already once more than I prefer, but it’s true and I want to get on and find out what happens next.

Accepting the Lance – Chapter 64

Six of Us
Daglyte Seam

In which there are arrivals and departures.

I don’t like how the narrative keeps reminding us about Anthora’s dagger.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 61

Runcible System
Daglyte Seam

In which the Commander of Agents makes a move.

Perfection, huh? That sounds familiar.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 57


In which Aberthaz Ferry has things to do.

I am, naturally, pleased that Bechimo has decided not to be bothered any more by Theo’s decision from earlier, but I don’t really see why it happened now in particular. What has happened to change his mind?
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