Alliance of Equals – Chapter 12

Jemiatha’s Jumble Stop

In which the experts confer.

That went smoother than I expected. At least as far as the two-experts situation goes; there’s plenty else to worry me instead.

I’m not keen on Tocohl’s side project. I’m worried it will lead to her being insufficiently attentive, at some key moment, to the job she was sent here to do. I’m also not sure it’s a wise pursuit in itself; I’m less confident than Tocohl is that the ancient logic, if does exist and if it does have allegiance to the Enemy, can be pursuaded that that cause is done with. (Particularly since I’m still inclined to view the return of Spiral Dance as a sign that the Enemy maybe isn’t sealed away as impregnably as all that.)

(I wonder if there’s any way Spiral Dance could be the ancient logic these rumours are about.)

Another thing that has me worried is the interlude with Ren Zel and Anthora. If the authors are taking the time to introduce them now, that suggests there’s going to be a situation later that’s bad enough for them to need to get directly involved.

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