Neogenesis – Chapter 11

Vivulonj Prosperu

In which the Uncle offers a revised schedule.

I continue to be suspicious, at this point in the story, of any chapter in which things appear to be proceeding smoothly.

I wonder what conclusion may be drawn from the second of the Uncle’s three sets of coords being so conveniently situated in regard to Korval’s emergency measure (whatever that might turn out to be). Perhaps not much, if the coords are just Jump points the Uncle’s ship will be passing through on its way to the destination, and the middle one halfway along the remaining route. But what if the Uncle is not being that straightforward? He might, for instance, have mixed up the order of the coord sets to obscure the direction of travel, in which case the middle set might actually be the point closest to the destination. And that might lead to the revelation that whatever is at the Uncle’s destination already has Korval tangled up in it. (If I am right in my suspicions about ‘the Light’ that the Uncle mentioned in an earlier chapter, it’s known to be on the list of destinations whose coords Korval pilots are required to memorise in case of emergency…)

The Uncle’s reaction to the byplay about the eastern quadrant suggests that Aelliana was implying that she knew something about the Uncle’s activities; what that might be, I don’t know, particularly if it relates to the Kanjilo Galaxy, of which we have not previously heard. Perhaps it will be explained later.

1 thought on “Neogenesis – Chapter 11

  1. Ed8r

    I enjoyed the observation Daav makes that Their host seemed to find Aelliana’s continued frank belief in his good intentions almost as disconcerting as he found the Tree. Whew! That’s saying a lot, considering how upset we know he is with the Tree’s meddling!

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