Tag Archives: Ardega

Crystal Soldier – Chapter 19

Spiral Dance

In which the Enemy makes an example.

More about the aelantaza, and about Dulsey’s background, and Cantra’s. That’s an interesting insight about why Cantra’s so cantankerous.

Cantra’s been thinking to herself lately that it’s not safe to find Jela as attractive as she does, and now it appears that Jela has been thinking to himself similar things about Cantra. It’s pretty clear where that’s headed, even if I didn’t already know.

Crystal Soldier – Chapter 18

On Port

In which Cantra goes shopping.

Cantra and Jela are getting comfortable working together in their roles as legitimate traders, and both occasionally having trouble remembering that their association is only a temporary arrangement of convenience (or least practicable inconvenience, perhaps, from Cantra’s point of view).

The rug merchant gives Cantra a hand-signal meaning “I’ll be there soon”, which is described the same way pilot hand-talk has been, but I’m not sure if that means the merchant is also a pilot or maybe merchants have their own hand-talk which Cantra, as a trader, also knows.