Tag Archives: coolmister

Saltation – Chapter 14

Sturtevan Hall Dispensary
Anlingdin Piloting Academy

In which Theo consents to a healing.

I get the idea that Theo got more healing than she realises. The med-tech is, by his appearance and speech patterns, Liaden, which opens the possibility that he is not only a healer of bodies but also cha’dramliz, one who can ease troubles of the mind and the heart. In this case, offering both the immediate assistance of soothing Theo so that her body’s healing may proceed with best effect, and also looking to the longer-term and planting a few seeds that will help Theo avoid leaping into a fight too soon without hampering her fighting ability when (and, as the med-tech says, it is when and not if for a courier pilot) the time comes that she does need it.

All of which largely goes past Theo, who has never met a Liaden Healer and wouldn’t know what to expect; Win Ton did try to explain to her about the cha’dramliz once, but he didn’t get very far before being interrupted and as far as we know he never got back to the topic. I might have expected the Healer to provide more of an explanation when requesting her permission to proceed, but perhaps this is another instance of someone thinking Theo is more Liaden than she really is. (And the thought occurs that perhaps the Healer is not free to make an explicit offer; if the regulations require him to issue pain medication that he knows won’t be necessary, that suggests that his form of Healing doesn’t enjoy wholehearted official support here.)