Balance of Trade – Chapter 28

Day 145
Standard Year 1118


In which the Gobelyn family is not the market for Befores.

More types of Old Tech: “light-wands” and “duplicating units”, neither of which is ringing any particularly loud bells regarding the tech we saw in the prequel duology. Grig says the man looking for them is a fool, but it’s not clear whether he means “because he expects to find any” or “because he expects things to go well once he starts messing with one”. It could be the latter because Grig clearly knows more about Old Tech than he’s letting on. Another example of which is that he calls Jethri’s device a weather maker, which is not a thing Jethri knows about it.

(And if there’s one thing I’m really learning about from this re-read, it’s the authors’ technique of mentioning a thing in passing a chapter or two before it becomes important again.)

Is it just me, or is there something going on between Seeli and Grig?

2 thoughts on “Balance of Trade – Chapter 28

  1. Ed8r

    Of course we find out later that the “duplicating units” are what we’ve known as “first aid kits” or something like that. In other words, their ability to duplicate DNA was only one use. The “light wands”? I’m lost. Not only have we not heard of them earlier, but I don’t think we ever do find out their use(s).

  2. Ed8r

    Actually, I’m guessing “light wands” is the author’s take on the “light sabers” made famous by another Science Fiction series (*winks*).

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