Trade Secret – Chapter 25

Gobelyn’s Market, Franticle

In which Franticle True has many annoyances, both imported and home-grown.

“This Arin who is dead” is an interesting phrase. It might just be put that way through unfamiliarity with the language, but the way it’s put carries an implication that there might be other Arins of interest who are still alive.

I like the bit of interplay about not permitting a dependent to remain uninformed in a complex situation.

1 thought on “Trade Secret – Chapter 25

  1. Ed8r

    I hadn’t thought about there being other Arins who were still alive (although that makes sense in the scheme of things). But I did take it to mean that they knew at least that there had been other Arins…maybe who were also dead but longer ago so that it was “this Arin” they wanted to talk about.

    That interplay was a very nice example of Grig’s quick mind finding a workaround. I doubt the second Pilot *really* had no knowledge of Trade and/or Terran, but the pretense allowed Grig to restate what was said into the more precise Liaden so that nothing was left to be implied or inferred.

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