Monthly Archives: January 2014

Local Custom – Chapter 14

In which Anne agrees to go to Liad.

Anne’s joke about enquiring into the suitability of Er Thom’s genes really is an awkward one, not only because of the implication that they might not have come up to scratch, but also because, according to Liaden propriety, it is no more than the truth to say that she should have done it before conceiving Shan, and if she had much of the present difficulty might have been avoided. It speaks well of the strength of Er Thom’s sense of humour that he’s able to find it amusing.

Local Custom – Chapter 13

In which Er Thom is generous in his gift-giving.

Daav is playing a dangerous hand, not telling Thodelm yos’Galan about Shan even when she asks straight out if there’s anything else she should know about Anne. But I expect he’s taking his cue from Er Thom, and I can understand why Er Thom would prefer for that news to wait until he is able to deliver it in full and in person.

The mention of the Trade Commission on VanDyk is interesting, because its location suggests a Terran origin: VanDyk sounds more like a Terran name than a Liaden, and one would expect a Liaden trade commission to be situated on Liad itself rather than an Outworld. I wonder if it’s a descendent of the same organization Arin Gobelyn was a commissioner of? If so, the fact that it is now trusted with the registry of Master Traders suggests that the efforts of Jethri and his friends to build stronger ties between Liaden traders and Terran traders met with some success.

We also get a passing mention of Korval’s old allies, Clan Erob, who are now situated on Lytaxin.

Local Custom – Chapter 12

In which Er Thom sets his sights on an improbable goal.

There is an interesting demonstration of Daav’s melant’i in this chapter, in the way he sends Er Thom two separate messages, one formal one from Er Thom’s delm, and the other, less formal, from Er Thom’s cha’leket. And, later, how Er Thom plans to discuss strategy with Daav before taking his case to Delm Korval.

I am amused by Er Thom’s description of Solcintra society. “Prudent, if not particularly intelligent.”