Necessity’s Child – Chapter 1

In which Kezzi and Malda do not get to go out.

New novel, new set of characters; it’s not even clear until nearly the end of the chapter that we’re still on Surebleak, around the same time as the last novel. (In fact we seem to have wound back a bit from where Ghost Ship ended, if the attack on Miri is still fresh news.)

We have heard of the Bedel once before, not recently: one of the protagonists of “Eleutherios” was a member of that group, though it wasn’t clear in detail then what that meant. Doubtless, there will be more room for detail as this novel progresses.

Kezzi stands out a bit by virtue of having a dog; characters in this series are more likely to be cat people. In fact, I’m not sure Malda isn’t the first dog to actually appear.

6 thoughts on “Necessity’s Child – Chapter 1

  1. Paul A. Post author

    I’m not sure Malda isn’t the first dog to actually appear.

    …he says, only two days after Borrill’s last appearance. (Borrill isn’t technically a dog, but he probably counts in this context.)

  2. Ed8r

    I am having a weird sense of deja vue with this book. Amazon tells me I had not purchased it previously, yet even several chapters in, I feel as if I’ve read it all before…at least the Bedel parts about Kezzi and Silain, etc.; I don’t seem to recall Sil Vor helping Yulie Shaper.

    (Sorry, I know this is all yet to come, but I thought I’d sticky it here and decline to repeat myself indefinitely.)

  3. Skip

    I loved Syl Vor and Kezzi in this book. Good scene with Mr. Yulie Shaper, too.

    I was happy to see a dog. Not just cats cats cats.

    This book begins before Miri has her baby, and before Daav goes to repair pod 78, so you’re right to say we have to wind Ghost Ship back a little. It comes after Theo visits the planet, after the agents attack at the party at Jelaza Kazone. I’d say it begins somewhere in the last third of Ghost Ship.
    But do the seasons match up? I have kind of given up on the seasons.

  4. Ed8r

    Yeah. Maybe the authors need an admin clerk just to keep their dates and/or seasons straight.

  5. Paul A. Post author

    I talk in more detail about the seasons in the post for Chapter 5, where the season is mentioned in the story. The short answer is, no, they don’t match up. (And also I, too, have kind of given up on the seasons.)

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