Tag Archives: Checksec

Saltation – Chapter 8

Erkes Dormitory, Suite 302
Anlingdin Piloting Academy

In which Theo and her roommates open their mail.

I wonder what a banthawing might be, and what kind of bad habits it teaches. Piloting habits, presumably, from what Chelly says — but I have to say that absent his comments, I would find a strip of hot pink gauze suggestive of a different class of bad habit entirely.

Clearly the whole Hap Harney business is not going away any time soon. Which… it’s not that I mind, exactly, but does this mean I’m going to be repeating “still haven’t been told what Hap Harney actually did” every chapter for the rest of the book?

Saltation – Chapter 5

Combined Math Lab
Anlingdin Piloting Academy

In which Theo goes over her math drill and her memories.

It turns out the Chelly wasn’t just worried about Theo: he knew the pilot who Theo watched being shot down.

The fleeing pilot was named Hap Harney, a former student of the Academy, and the pursuers were officials of some stripe. And Theo might have been suspected of being an accomplice to his flight if her instructor hadn’t had the foresight to have her not only get out of the air but power down and get out of the glider. (Well, she’s suspected anyway, because this seems like one of those everyone-is-a-suspect situations, but she’d have found the suspicion harder to shake.)

We still don’t know what Pilot Harney was up to that got him shot down and shot up by four pursuing jet fighters, except that it apparently had something to do with Politics.

I don’t have an opinion yet about whether the behavior of Asu’s Checksec was deliberate or just thoughtlessness. I’m inclined to believe thoughtlessness on Asu’s part, but we don’t know what priorities the Diamon security head who gave it to her might have had.

It’s not much of a surprise to learn about Theo’s relationship with Bek, considering the direction their interactions were headed the last time we saw them together. The only other person we saw her interacting with in Fledgling that might have been a likely candidate for First Pair was Kartor, and although he seemed to attach some particular value to her, judging by his tendency to leap to her defence, she didn’t appear to think of him that way (nor to be particularly impressed by having her defence leapt to). In any case, he might well have got his job on the Station and moved (as it were) out of Theo’s orbit by the time she got back from Melchiza.

Saltation – Chapter 4

Academy Flight GT S14
Anlingdin Piloting Academy

In which Theo’s day is not great.

A mysterious aircraft pursued and shot down by four others. The urgency with which the Academy called on its own aircraft to get out of the sky suggests that they had some idea what was going on, and some reason to suppose that the four pursuing craft might not limit their attentions to the particular craft they were pursuing.

Theo manages a difficult landing in a sequence I feel probably deserves to be talked about, not just acknowledged, but I don’t have the whatever to appreciate it in detail.

Asu takes a while to notice what’s going on outside her own concerns, but at least when she does notice she seems suitably concerned and has some idea how to respond appropriately. (And the fact that she knows Theo’s tea preferences without needing to ask suggests that she does sometimes pay more attention to other people.) This is not to say that Chelly doesn’t want to help, but he seems like he might be under the kind of stress that hinders, rather than helps, efforts to think about what to do; I can relate.

Saltation – Chapter 2

New Student Orientation
Ozler Auditorium
Anlingdin Piloting Academy

In which Theo meets her roommates.

Although Theo noticed last chapter that things here are more freewheeling and less closely monitored than was the case on either of the planets she’s previously left footprints on, the wider ramifications haven’t all sunk in. She remarks to herself that the way Asu acts you’d think her home planet didn’t have a Safety Office — but she clearly means it as a joke, and it doesn’t seem to have occurred to her that it’s very likely true.

Asu says her age is “Eighteen Standards, and a half”, and Theo repeats the “and a half” before conceding that Asu is older than her. I’m not sure whether that means that it’s the half year that makes the difference in their ages or just Theo quietly pinging the unusual degree of precision. It would make sense in general that two people starting school together would be within a year of each other in age, but I’m not sure if that applies to a piloting academy; presumably pilots arrive at whatever age they’re ready. Still, I’d like to think it’s that, if only because that would mean we have an idea of Theo’s age in Standard Years and not just in the still-undefined Delgadan years.

I don’t think I like the detail from the orientation speech about the planetary government requiring them to graduate a minimum number of pilots per year. There are so many ways a requirement like that could go wrong.

After spending so much time on Delgado, I find myself wondering whether Ozler and Erkes were men or women. Which is the unmarked case on Eylot?