Tag Archives: Cisco

Our Lady of Benevolence

In which the bakery goes forward.

I had forgotten that we already knew of a character called “Our Lady of Benevolence” until I was re-reading the earlier bakery stories in preparation for this new one. (Well, actually, the authors’ foreword gave it away, but if not for that it would have been re-reading “Fortune’s Favors” that did it.)
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Fortune’s Favors – Chapter 4

In which Mar Tyn wishes to help his friends.

I like Serana’s “we will treat it as it deserves”. Such a polite and gracious way to say they intend to have nothing to do with it.

Serana and Don Eyr have experienced the dangers of a bad “protector”, and the limitations of even a good one, and it’s understandable that they prefer to rely on their own resources.

That little discourse on the nature of Luck is interesting. I wonder if Seignur Veeoni has ever had an opportunity to speak to the Lucks about their work.

Block Party

In which good neighbours become good friends.

No very specific indications of when this story is set, only that it’s after “the Lady and the Perfessor” have embarked on their project of documenting Surebleak’s social history.
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