Tag Archives: counterchance

Local Custom – Chapter 14

In which Anne agrees to go to Liad.

Anne’s joke about enquiring into the suitability of Er Thom’s genes really is an awkward one, not only because of the implication that they might not have come up to scratch, but also because, according to Liaden propriety, it is no more than the truth to say that she should have done it before conceiving Shan, and if she had much of the present difficulty might have been avoided. It speaks well of the strength of Er Thom’s sense of humour that he’s able to find it amusing.

Local Custom – Chapter 12

In which Er Thom sets his sights on an improbable goal.

There is an interesting demonstration of Daav’s melant’i in this chapter, in the way he sends Er Thom two separate messages, one formal one from Er Thom’s delm, and the other, less formal, from Er Thom’s cha’leket. And, later, how Er Thom plans to discuss strategy with Daav before taking his case to Delm Korval.

I am amused by Er Thom’s description of Solcintra society. “Prudent, if not particularly intelligent.”

Local Custom – Chapter 2

In which Er Thom has urgent business elsewhere.

This chapter is one that becomes richer through being able to bring in context from other stories. There are things that slide by as unexplained background details that are expanded on elsewhere in the series.

For instance, the reason why Er Thom, “an experienced and considerate lover”, was “unexpectedly awkward” when it came to kissing, is never explained, that I recall, anywhere – in this novel. But the necessary cultural background is available elsewhere.

Likewise, knowing about the Liaden prohibition on permanently-installed ear decorations adds strength to Petrella’s description of Daav’s ear decoration as “barbaric”, and on the other hand adds emotional weight to Daav’s decision to continue wearing it.