Tag Archives: Morgan

Conflict of Honors – Chapter 13

Arsdred Port City
Local Year 728
Midday Bazaar

In which Priscilla encounters Dagmar Collier again.

The opening paragraphs of this chapter do an impressively colourful bit of scene-setting. Though I feel obliged to note that the depiction of the “dark-skinned, doe-eyed, hook-nosed” Arsdredi merchants rubs against the part of me that gets annoyed by unthoughtful recycling of cultural stereotypes. Particularly since the police at the end of the chapter, who are presumably also Arsdredi, partake of a completely different cultural sterotype.

This chapter contains a rare mention of Ken Rik the cargo master’s surname, which for the record is yo’Lanna.

“Moonphase” doesn’t say there was a sculpture of a triglant among the things Priscilla took with her from the Temple. Then again, it doesn’t say there wasn’t.