Tag Archives: ‘retto

Balance of Trade – Chapter 12

Day 67
Standard Year 1118

Protocol Lessons

In which Jethri learns a thing or two about melant’i.

There have been occasions when the scene-setting description at the head of the chapter applied only to the first portion of the chapter, before the scene shifted elsewhere, but I perceive that in this case the descriptor of “protocol lessons” applies just as much to the second scene in the corridor.

This is also one of my favourite chapters, or perhaps it would be most appropriate to say that the chapters concerning the visit to Kailipso Station collectively form one of my favourite episodes of the book.

It’s warming that Jethri has so many comrades. Some of them may have been involved less out of personal friendship than because the ship’s honor is at stake, but it’s still good to know that they consider ship’s honor to comprehend Jethri.

This is the first chapter since Jethri signed on to Elthoria in which he hasn’t thought about his family even once.