Tag Archives: rindlebird

Mouse and Dragon – Chapter 35

In which Aelliana and Daav welcome Val Con yos’Phelium into the world.

Again, if things had been otherwise than they are, this might well have been where the book ended. But as things are, there are still places for the book to go, and the conversation at the beginning of the chapter reminds us that although the immediate issue of Daav’s abduction has been resolved, the underlying problem continues.

Aelliana and Daav’s shared vision of themselves as dragons flying together clearly owes something, somehow, to the Tree; it reminds me of “Dragon Tide”, and of the way the Tree used to visualise Cantra and Jela.

The other interesting thing about that shared experience is the way it’s mentioned as having strengthened their bond into something solid and ineluctable; one wonders whether subsequent events might have been different if Aelliana had allowed the Healer to send Daav away.