Tag Archives: Rool Tiazan’s lady

Crystal Dragon – Prologue

In the Hall of the Mountain Kings

Probably the longest and weirdest chapter in the entire series. (The climactic chapter of I Dare is a similar length, but much less eldritch.) The first time I read it, I came out feeling like I wasn’t sure I hadn’t dreamed parts of it.

The biology lesson is … distinctly unpleasant.

I’ve never felt sure of what the zaliata are. It’s made pretty clear that they’re not human, but if not, what is there?

“In the Hall of the Mountain King” is the title of a famous piece of music by Edvard Grieg, originally written as incidental music for Henrik Ibsen’s play Peer Gynt. The relevant bit of the play tells how Peer Gynt visited the subterranean court of the Mountain King and formed a connection with one of the King’s daughters, not entirely to the satisfaction of anybody involved. I don’t think we’re supposed to try to read the parallels too closely, but the Mountain King is a good counterpart for the Iloheen, not only because he’s supernatural and inhuman, but because his most famous moment has him proclaiming a philosophy of supreme selfishness that regards everyone and everything else as inconsequential.

Crystal Soldier – Chapter 32

Spiral Dance

In which Jela receives new orders.

So ssussdriad is the name the dramliz give to the trees, and the answer to my question of a few chapters back is presumably that at some point the Uncle got to talking with a dramliza. Which is an interesting thing to contemplate.

Also interesting to contemplate is the description of how the dramliz are interconnected. For one thing, the language geek in me is intrigued by the implication that Rool Tiazan and his lady are not two dramliz but instead collectively constitute a single dramliza. (And also amused that, in the glossary in the appendices, the collective noun for wizards is “an enchantment”.)

(Speaking of the appendices, I note with interest that the character list in the appendices includes a name that I’m certain isn’t given in the text. Commandant Harrib is presumably the ser with the interesting chair.)

(…now here’s a thing. I ran a search in the e-book to make sure I hadn’t overlooked Commandant Harrib any place, and his name does come up once in that chapter — but only in the e-book. In the trade paperback, he’s just “the commandant” throughout that chapter, including that one sentence. I wonder which way it goes in the Baen editions?)

I really wasn’t expecting Lute’s name to pop up, the first time I read this.

Tomorrow: Crystal Dragon.

Crystal Soldier – Chapter 31

On Port

In which a second opinion is sought and given.

I found this chapter quite affecting, but I’m not good at talking about emotional stuff, so I’m going to fall back on plot details as usual.

I had forgotten that detail about the origin of the M Series. (You hadn’t, though; I remember it coming up in a comment. See, that’s one of the reasons I wanted other people around for this.)

And here we have the introduction proper of Rool Tiazan and his lady, of whom history records that they will have many diminutive red-headed descendants, who will be among the closest allies of Clan Korval. (As this is a prequel, the question of their survival is of course not “if” but “how”.)

Crystal Soldier – Chapter 30

Spiral Dance
Gimlins Approach

In which Jela receives assistance from several unexpected directions.

Or else: In which events take a dramatic turn and shoot off into left field. If I didn’t already know what was coming next, I think I would be having real trouble not going straight on to the next chapter.

(Incidentally, explicit confirmation that Jela’s whip thing is a shib. Now I can consider that question settled, and stop second-guessing myself.)