Tag Archives: Vesa bel’Ulim

Mouse and Dragon – Chapter 12

In which Anne and Aelliana go shopping.

And now Anne is saying explicitly that being connected by a psychic bond doesn’t mean communicating becomes any less important, or any less work. I’m beginning to think this is, like, a theme the authors have deliberately built into the novel. 🙂

Meanwhile and elsewhere, Mr dea’Gauss reports that between what he’s giving Samiv tel’Izak and what he’s giving Aelliana, Daav’s finances have taken a discernable hit. Of course, those are Daav’s personal finances; no doubt the clan’s general finances are more robust. But the fact that Daav was willing to take the hit, considered it appropriate to bear these expenses personally rather than draw on the clan’s finances, says something good about Daav. Even if he does need to work on his communication with his loved ones.