Accepting the Lance – Chapter 25

Jelaza Kazone

In which a professional has been at work.

Of the bosses whose turfs saw action, we have not previously heard of Boss Threadle. Bosses Conrad and Kalhoon are, of course, the leaders of the Council of Bosses, and Boss Vine holds the territory immediately neighbouring the spaceport. Boss Wentworth was mentioned a few times in Necessity’s Child but I don’t recall if we learned anything particular about him.

The list of locations earlier in the chapter mentions Hamilton Street, which is Kalhoon’s turf, then Blair Road, which is Conrad’s, then the cut-short “Joppa”, which might be meant to be Jopha Road, which is Wentworth’s.

The inclusion in the list of targets of Tantara Floor Coverings, Pat Rin’s carpet shop on the port, seems significant. The other targets all could have several reasons for attracting unfriendly notice from someone, but it doesn’t seem likely that anyone would aim a riot at a carpet shop unless because they had something against the family that owns it.

5 thoughts on “Accepting the Lance – Chapter 25

  1. Skip

    Wentworth in Necessity‘s Child:

    Peter Day and Luce Jacobs demanded insurance money from Rudy, one of the schoolboys.

    Chapter 29:

    “And if Boss Wentworth is seeking to reestablish an insurance system?” asked Nova.

    Pat Rin smiled. “Then that, of course, concerns me.”

  2. Ed8r

    But what is this about Shan’s building site being bombed? When I first read that, I thought it meant the island property, but from what Jeeves says about “querying the port for ID” it sounds as if it is some property actually in the port?

  3. Paul A. Post author

    In a later chapter, when the Bosses meet to talk about how they’re going to respond, there’s a confirmation that it is the island where they’re building Shan’s new house that was bombed. It’s also mentioned in that chapter that it was in the nature of being an aerial bombardment.

    There’s another chapter somewhere in this book that mentions the port runs air traffic control for Surebleak’s aeroplanes as well as incoming and outgoing spaceships.

    Putting that together, what I understand is that Jeeves’s query to the port was “can you tell anything about the identities of the aircraft that recently flew over yos’Galan’s island?”.

  4. Ed8r

    Juggling comments from 2 versions of this book (eARC and published) among 3 different devices has apparently led me to posting comments one at a time—when I find them.

    Miri groans but Val Con laughs when Jeeves informs them that Emissary Twelve has apparently consumed a seed pod from the Tree. I wonder whether the Tree will influence her body to provide further insulation to the cold as well as—I would imagine—increasing her ability to understand humans, especially Yulie Shaper.

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