Accepting the Lance – Chapter 78

Jelaza Kazone

In which Rys’s brothers plan how best to aid him.

Here we start to see the pay-off of both the “my own lady holds my soul” conversation and the observation that Rys has connections to his brothers and sisters similar to a Healer’s connections to her patients.

Something tells me there’s soon going to be another landing in Korval’s back field to annoy the survey team.

4 thoughts on “Accepting the Lance – Chapter 78

  1. Ed8r

    I was surprised about the timing of Maysl’s birth. I had expected Rys to have survived whatever the authors threw at him and then barely get back in time for the birth. But now we find that she will be over a week and maybe as much as 2 weeks old?

    Are we surprised about Mrs. ana’Tak? I certainly didn’t expect it, but it fit right in!

    I enjoy the exchange between Val Con and Udari about the Elder Tree and its younger—not seedling—branchling? I wish I knew what the Elder has to say to Udari.

  2. Skip

    I was also pleasantly surprised by Mrs. ana’Tak. And happy to hear that Offshoot has as much propensity for meddling as Elder.

  3. Ed8r

    You’re going to call me pedantic, but there was a reason I avoided using “offshoot,” and that’s because—by the strict meaning—it was not one. But I suppose that definition would apply now that it’s growing its own roots.

  4. Ed8r

    Bleh . . . I’m wrong and I admit it. I had forgotten that the Tree’s dropped branch had produced—offshoots!

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