Trader’s Leap – Chapter 30

Portmaster’s Office

In which the Redlands prepare to welcome visitors.

I can see several potential problems with the Warden’s plans to keep the off-worlders and Civilization at arm’s length.

For one thing, his intention to keep Master Trader yos’Galan from venturing further afield than the port would probably have been doomed even without Moonhawk’s necessities.

Likewise his hope of getting through the visit without the off-worlders meeting Tekelia. (Particularly since Tekelia has already met one of the off-worlders…)

It also occurs to me that his idea of using Deaf people to interact with the visitors has an issue that probably won’t occur to him. If they’re naturally Deaf, there might not be a problem, but if any of the Healers encounter somebody who’s been artificially Deafened, they’re likely to have something to say about it.

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