Plan B – Chapter 35

Erob’s Clan House

In which Val Con’s kin start arriving.

This chapter is still just as affecting, even though I knew what was coming.

The mention of Nelirikk wearing an arm scarf as a sign of troop affiliation reminds me that Miri wore an arm scarf when Val Con first met her, which got mentioned a few times and then never again. (I figure it maybe got left behind on Edger’s ship; if not that, perhaps when they had to leave Vandar in the Benish clothes they stood up, or in Miri’s case couldn’t stand up, in.) Makes me wonder if that was a marker of affilition too, and if so to whom.

Tomorrow: I Dare

1 thought on “Plan B – Chapter 35

  1. Ed8r

    My first read-through, although there’d been mentions of Daav as Val Con’s father, and it meant something when he just “appeared” after all those years, it was so much richer and fuller this time, because I had actually read everything in order and had a greater understanding of this character and his situation in this universe. Also must mention being better connected to Clonak, as well.

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