Tag Archives: Ban Del pak’Ora

Local Custom – Chapter 22

In which Er Thom and Daav discuss the present and the future.

Daav is having his own problems comprehending the situation – he also isn’t coming easy to the idea of a Liaden lifemating a Terran, and he has his own personal jealousy issue to deal with – but he’s putting in more effort than Petrella to be reasonable (and, just as importantly, compassionate).

And he never once says that he’s acting for the good of the clan. He doesn’t need to.

Local Custom – Chapter 21

In which Daav has some conversation before dinner.

Petrella has got herself into a position that’s likely to cause trouble and is going to be difficult to get out of even if she decides she wants to: she’s stopped considering the details of the situation and started defining success entirely in terms of whether she gets her own way. She says it’s for the good of the clan, and presents to the delm that it’s in his interests for Er Thom to be obedient, but one may take leave to doubt that version of the story, particularly since the delm himself appears to have no qualms about Er Thom’s obedience.

The epigraph of this chapter suggests a thing which I don’t think is suggested so strongly anywhere else in the series: that there is, or has been within the recorded history of Terran-Liaden relations, an actual planet called Terra. I don’t recall anywhere else in the series where Terra is spoken of except as a used-to-be place.

Local Custom – Chapter 20

In which Petrella yos’Galan is surprised by her guest.

A reward for the detail-oriented, here: the golden hair ribbon that Anne remembers losing in this chapter is surely the same golden ribbon that was among Er Thom’s treasures, way back in the first chapter, threaded with a scrap of silk the color of the silk they used as a ground cover. Which suggests that Er Thom remembers that night at least as affectionately as Anne, if there were still any doubt on that point.

Liadens clearly take hospitality seriously: even knowing that his mother does not in the least want Anne as a guest, Er Thom sees nothing remarkable in the lengths she’s gone to to ensure the guest’s comfort. (It is surely, as Anne hints, sometimes an expensive standard to live up to; Korval can afford it, but how do less wealthy Liaden houses manage?)

Local Custom – Chapter 19

In which the Master Trader negotiates with the thodelm.

It’s interesting that Petrella is so dismissive of Terrans, when she was a Trader and presumably had to deal with them on their own turf. But perhaps dealing with them in the line of business is one thing and having one show up on one’s own doorstep is another.

And, to be fair to her, I think she’d have taken it better before the disaster. That, I judge, has affected her thinking both personally, in that coping with her illness has left her with fewer reserves to spare for being well-disposed to others, and in her melant’i as the head of the line, being less free to tolerate eccentric behaviour from Er Thom when the entire future of the line depends on him.

Local Custom – Chapter 13

In which Er Thom is generous in his gift-giving.

Daav is playing a dangerous hand, not telling Thodelm yos’Galan about Shan even when she asks straight out if there’s anything else she should know about Anne. But I expect he’s taking his cue from Er Thom, and I can understand why Er Thom would prefer for that news to wait until he is able to deliver it in full and in person.

The mention of the Trade Commission on VanDyk is interesting, because its location suggests a Terran origin: VanDyk sounds more like a Terran name than a Liaden, and one would expect a Liaden trade commission to be situated on Liad itself rather than an Outworld. I wonder if it’s a descendent of the same organization Arin Gobelyn was a commissioner of? If so, the fact that it is now trusted with the registry of Master Traders suggests that the efforts of Jethri and his friends to build stronger ties between Liaden traders and Terran traders met with some success.

We also get a passing mention of Korval’s old allies, Clan Erob, who are now situated on Lytaxin.

Local Custom – Chapter 2

In which Er Thom has urgent business elsewhere.

This chapter is one that becomes richer through being able to bring in context from other stories. There are things that slide by as unexplained background details that are expanded on elsewhere in the series.

For instance, the reason why Er Thom, “an experienced and considerate lover”, was “unexpectedly awkward” when it came to kissing, is never explained, that I recall, anywhere – in this novel. But the necessary cultural background is available elsewhere.

Likewise, knowing about the Liaden prohibition on permanently-installed ear decorations adds strength to Petrella’s description of Daav’s ear decoration as “barbaric”, and on the other hand adds emotional weight to Daav’s decision to continue wearing it.