Tag Archives: Jemiatha’s Jumble Stop

Dragon Ship – Chapter 38

Jemiatha’s Jumble Stop

In which Bechimo gains a Captain.

Joyita stepping in to help Theo past her moment of panic ties back to the conversation earlier about whether Theo likes Joyita more than Bechimo, and why: Theo trusts her ship, but even so she finds it reassuring to be interacting with someone who has a face.

I mentioned, way back near the beginning of Ghost Ship, that the investiture of the Department’s new Commander reminded me of something that would happen later, and this is it. The installation of Bechimo‘s Captain seems to involve similar technology, although in a more refined form (or perhaps just in a form designed by someone who cared about the well-being of the person it would be used on).

Which brings to mind the question: If the Commander of Agents is in a similar relationship to the one Theo now has with Bechimo, who or what is the Commander in a relationship with? And for the more efficient pursuit of what purpose?

Dragon Ship – Chapter 37

Jemiatha’s Jumble Stop

In which the Galactic Trade Commission makes Theo an offer she can’t not refuse.

Something funny here: the outfit that gave Theo trouble in Ghost Ship was the Federated Trade Commission, not the Galactic Trade Commission. Maybe its name comes out differently in Trade than in Terran? Anyway, Theo says it’s the same group, and she’d presumably know. If it is the same, then it’s beginning to look like it has some kind of ongoing connection with the Department of the Interior, and Tokeoport wasn’t just a one-off case of a Department agent taking their name in vain.

Is this the first time B. Joyita has allowed anyone to see him stand up?

Dragon Ship – Chapter 36

Jemiatha’s Jumble Stop

In which Theo goes shopping and Kamele has an adventure.

The people watching Kamele are presumably agents of the Department of the Interior – apart from it being the most obvious conclusion in context, the peculiarly inflexible face is an established signifier – and they’re doing the invisible-in-plain sight thing that Daav did and Theo picked up from him. I had thought it was a Scout thing, then the people at Chaliceworks made a big deal about it and I thought maybe it was something rare that Daav had picked up on his travels, but this inclines me back toward it being a Scout thing. Unless it is something rare that the Department have also picked up in their travels, they having a habit of picking up things they’re not entitled to.

If it is the Department, then it’s probably not the case that they’re simply after the reward being offered for Theo’s apprehension; more likely they intend to apprehend Theo for themselves, which will be rewarding in its own way. The reward does, however, give Kamele a reason to comprehend her own significance in respect to Theo – and us the readers a reason to start wondering who else might be tempted by the reward.