Tag Archives: thalich gun

Carpe Diem – Chapter 37

Hellin’s Surcease

In which Val Con and Hakan discuss heroism.

Zhena Trelu, Zhena Brigsbee and Miri stuck in a house together for three days? One shudders to think what the outcome might be. If Zhena Brigsbee has taken Zhena Trelu and Miri in while the farm’s being sorted out, does that mean that they are actually friends, despite all the complaining Zhena Trelu does, or was there some other motivation involved?

Val Con’s having trouble: he’s stuck in the agent of change headspace, and his attempts to get out of it are running up against the same emergency response, the “if you continue on this path you’re doomed” message from the Loop, that hit him when he first got out of it back on Edger’s ship. Miri’s presence helped then, but he seems to be avoiding Miri — is that the Loop’s doing too, because it’s learned that she could help him?

I wonder who Hellin was.