Tag Archives: Pil Tor

Carpe Diem – Chapter 9

Trealla Fantrol

In which Val Con is missed.

Shan observed that Angela Lizardi is a commander who takes an interest in her soldiers, after reading that she helped Miri get her bank loan, but he hadn’t seen the full picture yet: it’s not until later that he gets to the point in Miri’s employment history that reveals the loan was taken a full year after the Lunatics were deactivated and Miri ceased to be one of Angela Lizardi’s soldiers in any official sense. Which shows that Liz had a particular interest in Miri, which we knew already but Shan didn’t.

Another thing we know about that Shan doesn’t yet is Miri’s reminiscence last chapter about having to go into rehab after Klamath, which doubtless explains at least part of the two-year gap between leaving the Lunatics and joining the Gyrfalks, and probably also has a bearing on her sudden need for a large bank loan.

I wonder if Scandal Arbuckle had any relatives named Roscoe.