By reader request, an index of the works covered on this blog, with links by which one may go immediately to a particular work.
Note that works appear in this list in the order they were covered, which is not always the same as the suggested reading order I settled on afterward; in some cases, I didn’t have a clear picture of where a story fit until after I’d (re-)read it.
Additional notes:
1. Conflict of Honors and Saltation were each covered, for reasons that seemed good to me at the time, in two sections with other works intervening. The index below includes links to both the first chapter of the novel and the first chapter after the intermission.
2. The link for Carpe Diem goes to the end of Agent of Change; this is deliberate. The first chapter of Carpe Diem is a word-for-word reprise of Agent of Change chapter 25, so I covered them both in a single post.
- “Dragon Tide”
- “Necessary Evils”
- Crystal Soldier
- Crystal Dragon
- “Eleutherios”
- “Moon’s Honor”
- “Where the Goddess Sends”
- “A Spell for the Lost”
- “The Wine of Memory”
- Balance of Trade
- “Out of True”
- Trade Secret
- “Naratha’s Shadow”
- “The Space at Tinsori Light”
- “Sweet Waters”
- “Phoenix”
- “Pilot of Korval”
- “A Choice of Weapons”
- “The Beggar King”
- Local Custom
- Scout’s Progress
- Mouse and Dragon
- “Guaranteed Delivery”
- “Veil of the Dancer”
- “Heirloom”
- “Intelligent Design”
- “A Matter of Dreams”
- “Moonphase”
- Conflict of Honors begins, Conflict of Honors resumes
- “Fighting Chance”
- “To Cut an Edge”
- “Shadow Partner”
- “A Day at the Races”
- “Certain Symmetry”
- “This House”
- “Changeling”
- Fledgling
- Saltation begins, Saltation resumes
- “Landed Alien”
- Agent of Change
- Carpe Diem
- “Quiet Knives”
- Plan B
- “Breath’s Duty”
- I Dare
- “Daughter of Dragons”
- “Persistence”
- “Misfits”
- Ghost Ship
- “Moon on the Hills”
- “Hidden Resources”
- “Kin Ties”
- “Code of Honor”
- “Prodigal Son”
- Necessity’s Child
- “Skyblaze”
- “Roving Gambler”
- “The Rifle’s First Wife”
- Dragon Ship
- “Chimera”
- Dragon in Exile
- “Wise Child”
- Alliance of Equals
- The Gathering Edge
- “Cutting Corners”
- “Due Diligence”
- Neogenesis
- “Block Party”
- “Degrees of Separation”
- “Fortune’s Favors”
- “Opportunity to Seize” (Neogenesis Outtake)
- “Shout of Honor”
- “Excerpts from Two Lives”
- “Revolutionists”
- Accepting the Lance
- “A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom”
- “The Gate That Locks the Tree”
- Trader’s Leap
- “Preferred Seating”
- “Ambient Conditions”
- “Dead Men Dream”
- “Command Decision”
- “Dark Secrets”
- “Our Lady of Benevolence”
- “From Every Storm a Rainbow”
- “Standing Orders”
- “Songs of the Fathers”
Not yet covered: Fair Trade (scheduled to be covered during the run-up to Trade Lanes), Salvage Rights
Not yet published: Trade Lanes, Ribbon Dance
For a list of non-canonical stories that will not be covered here, see the last paragraph of this post.
[change log: added The Gathering Edge]
[change log: added Cutting Corners and Due Diligence] (which is an amusing juxtaposition when you see them next to each other)
[change log: added Neogenesis]
[change log: fixed link to Naratha’s Shadow]
[change log: added Block Party; added Degrees of Separation]
[change log: added Fortune’s Favors; added Neogenesis Outtake]
Where will you place SHOUT OF HONOR in this timeline? After Gathering Edge obviously, but before or after NEOGENESIS?
Well, this particular list is by publication order of the blog entries, so it goes on the end.
Thanks for the nudge to update the lists.
[change log: added Shout of Honor]
Always happy to nudge others to work ?
Appreciate your website!
Speaking of nudging . . .
Is it time to add the latest two: “Excerpts from Two Lives” and “Revolutionists”?
Whoops, I thought I already had. Thanks for the nudge.
[change log: added “Excerpts from Two Lives”, “Revolutionists”]
Paul, I just noticed that the link in the list above, for Scout’s Progress, shows only one s instead of 2 for Progress/?
Huh, I wonder how I never noticed that. Thanks for pointing it out.
There is a new short storry on Bean “A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom”.
I quite liked it.
Thanks for the heads-up.
Paul, I need your help to figure out the most efficient way to find any post for the last chapter of a book. I thought I could just choose the next story or the first chapter of the next book and then navigate in reverse, but I tried that for Dragon in Exile and found that strategy doesn’t always work. Perhaps there’s something obvious I am missing…suggestions?
No, that’s currently the best way to do it.
For what it’s worth Dragon in Exile is probably the single worst one to try it with, because it’s the end of the re-read and was followed by a whole bunch of non-story wrap-up posts, so if you start at “Wise Child” you have to click back through all of those.
…come to think of it, though, some of those wrap-up posts are pinned on the home page, so if you ever need the end of Dragon in Exile again, here’s the shortest route: on the home page of the blog, click on “Acknowledgements” in the blue box of useful links, then scroll down to the previous-post link, which will be “Dragon in Exile – Epilogue”.
Ah…thank you muchly!
This page needs to show Accepting the Lance . . . or were you going to wait until you can also add “A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom” and The Gate that Locks the Tree?
[change log: added Accepting the Lance; added A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom; added The Gate That Locks the Tree]
Just a reminder to add the newest publications — The Wrong Lance (splinter, non canon), Ambient Solutions chapbook, and Trader’s Leap novel, released 3 days ago.
And what do you propose I link to, since I haven’t yet posted an entry for any of those?
[change log: added Trader’s Leap]
[change log: added Preferred Seating, Ambient Conditions]
[change log: added Dead Men Dream]
[change log: added Command Decision]
[change log: added Dark Secrets]
[change log: added Our Lady of Benevolence]
[change log: added From Every Storm a Rainbow]
[change log: Neogenesis outtake has been officially given the title “Opportunity to Seize”]
Just curious: When will we see a listing for Fair Trade, and more to the point . . . when should I look for a the chapter by chapter blogging of this one?
[change log: added list of works not yet covered]
Paul, you may know this already, but I recently read on Sharon’s blog that her upcoming chapbook #35 From Every Storm will include Standing Orders, as well as a story about Lomar Fasholt— “Songs of the Fathers” — and From Every Storm a Rainbow.. Here’s her blog link, if it works.
[change log: updated list of works not yet covered]
[change log: added Standing Orders, added Songs of the Fathers, updated list of works not yet covered]