Monthly Archives: December 2020

Trader’s Leap – Chapter 6

Tarona Rusk
Auxiliary Services

In which Section Head Tarona Rusk catches up on the news of her department.

More details about the consequences of the Healing of Tarona Rusk, and more things whose absence was felt in Accepting the Lance. It’s going to be interesting, at some point in the future, to re-read this stretch of the series with Trader’s Leap included in chronological order, and see how much that changes how I feel about Accepting the Lance.
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 5


In which Tekelia vesterGranz has a lot of questions.

A few chapters ago, when I noted the Warden’s description of the Haosa as Civilization’s line of defence, I forgot to add that I suspected the Haosa would describe the relationship somewhat differently.
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 4

Dutiful Passage
Approaching Jump

In which the Master Trader and his apprentice return to work.

According to my notes, this is the first substantial mention of Gordy — not counting a couple of times when people have mentioned him while running through the members of Clan Korval — since I Dare. I hadn’t realised it was that long.
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 3


In which the Warden is told to expect visitors.

The Warden’s residence is apparently called the Wardian, which makes me think of the Edwardian era, or perhaps that’s just because Bentamin and his aunt remind me just a little bit of Bertie Wooster’s forceful aunts. (Not that Bentamin is much like Bertie Wooster, based on what we’ve seen so far.)
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 2

Tarona Rusk
Langlast Departure

In which Tarona Rusk takes stock of herself.

I think that when Tarona Rusk assumes that Shan intentionally set her up as a weapon against the Department, she’s making the usual mistake of the Department-trained of projecting their own methods and motives onto Korval. As accounted in Alliance of Equals, the two motivations for his actions that she dismisses out of hand are the two that were most on his mind at the time, and far from expecting her to take on the Department he expected her to want help staying away from them.
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 1

Dutiful Passage
Langlast Departure

In which Shan and Padi get some rest.

Now we have some familiar faces, and a sense of where this story fits in the series. It’s only a day or two since the end of Alliance of Equals, so this is taking place around the same time as Neogenesis. (At least to start with.)
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Trader’s Leap – Prologue

In which it’s a night for bad dreams.

The prologue introduces us to a number of new people, on a new planet. (I think they’re all on the same planet; they all have a similar style of name, and two of the scenes refer to the Grid, whatever that is.)

No returning characters yet, but I’ve glanced over the blurb and the table of contents, so I know that’s only a matter of time.
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