Tag Archives: Jasin Bell

Necessity’s Child – Epilogue

In which Rys Lin pen’Chala goes home.

What Syl Vor is missing, I think, when he says that he is only a boy, is that after his experiences at the Rock he wasn’t only a boy.

Third iteration of the question of a missing ship, and on carefully re-reading it I realise that when Val Con says he’s heard from his sister he’s probably talking about Anthora, after she went through Rys’s mind checking for traces of the Department, and not that Nova brought him in on the earlier discussion. So, if this is a separate discussion, the subject of the earlier query probably was the Bedel ship after all.

(One of the free perks of reading this blog is, and will probably remain till the end, that you get to see me prove myself wrong in real time, sometimes more than once on the same issue.)

The status report on Momma Liberty (out of Waymart, I notice) contains a couple of interesting hints. Apart from establishing that Jasin is not only alive but flourishing, it’s notable for the absence of her brother in his former position of authority or in any other. Normal attrition, or did he get busted by his family over what he did to Rys? Or did he meet, in some dark alley, an agent of the Department tasked with tying off loose ends?

Coming up: “Skyblaze”, “Roving Gambler” and “The Rifle’s First Wife”, and then Dragon Ship.

Necessity’s Child – Chapter 33

In which Rys goes for a mug.

There are several things to be suspicious of in this chapter, but I don’t know if I’m suspicious of them only because I know where the story’s going; I can’t remember what I thought of them the first time I read the novel.

Droi’s anger, “anger that was more than half vey“, is interesting, both for the half that is vey (that is, inspired by the gift by which she sees things that others don’t see), and for the half that isn’t.

Necessity’s Child – Chapter 31

In which Dmitri is remembered, and Rys remembers.

Kezzi’s kiss on the cheek is one of those moments that has extra resonance if one knows things from other parts of the series; it’s a gesture that has a particular significance in Liaden culture, which Kezzi probably isn’t aware of. I don’t think it was ill-done, since it’s not inappropriate for a sister to kiss a brother thus, but by that token it underlines, in a way Kezzi perhaps didn’t consciously intend, that Rys and Kezzi are inhabiting the melant’i of brother and sister.

This is the first time Rys has put a name to the great winged shadow which brought down fire and destruction in his memory of the death of his clan. The first time he remembered it, it went nameless, and seemed to fit in with his dread of dragons; that he now recalls its true nature fits in with his progress in coming to understand what’s happened to him and what he truly has to fear.

Necessity’s Child – Chapter 29

In which it is sometimes necessary to attend to one repair at a time.

The two plot strands in this chapter are connected by the issue of rushing things: Udari, inspired by having something to work with, attempts to rush Rys’s recovery, with no good result; Pat Rin finds that circumstances are forcing them to rush the opening of the new consolidated school.

(If it can be said that the opening is rushed when the school building is so far behind schedule, thanks to the people Rys used to work for. And that reminds me that one of those people is still on the loose, so the fact that there has been no further sabotage on the school might just mean that they’re having another go at lulling the Dragon into a false sense of security.)

Necessity’s Child – Chapter 27

In which several characters give thought to the future.

One of the things I remember thinking the first time I read this chapter was, “Well, if that’s how they’re going to make up the numbers, I guess this means Rys isn’t going to be staying with the kompani permanently.”

The child Droi sets out to get on behalf of the kompani is one possible candidate for the title character, although not the only one. The title might not even be referring to a character at all; after all there is an old saying which holds that Invention is Necessity’s child, and we’ve already seen several characters being inventive in response to various necessities.

The scene with Nova and Mike at the beginning of the chapter is another of the ones that makes me wonder what I’d see if I owned a pair of shipping goggles.

Necessity’s Child – Chapter 17

In which Kezzi gets a lesson and Rys gets some assistance.

This being a re-read, I remember at least some of what is revealed later about the woman who is seeking something, and I wonder why she stopped to have her fortune read in the turn of a card; from what do I remember of her, it doesn’t seem like her to set store in such things.

Though perhaps there is something to the cards: after all, the card was right about her. Or perhaps that’s not the cards, but the person holding them, who sees things that others don’t. Or perhaps it’s just a coincidence; even if they operate only by random chance, the cards can’t be wrong all the time.

Necessity’s Child – Chapter 15

In which Rys cannot remember.

Or rather, Rys can remember quite a bit, just not anything recent or useful in figuring out how he got here. And so he’s stuck with a terror of dragons with nothing to attach it to except an old memory of something that, whatever it was, wasn’t a Dragon – and a hope that arises from happy memories that are themselves older than he realises.

I notice that where Kezzi referred to Rys’s destination if he hadn’t been rescued as “the World Unseen”, Udari speaks of “the World Beyond”. Too soon to say, of course, whether that’s a difference with any particular significance to it.

Necessity’s Child – Chapter 12

In which Rys awakens.

It seems that Silain’s guest is Rys Lin pen’Chala, agent of the Department of the Interior last seen heading for the warehouse district, where he apparently found something other than the safe hidey-hole he was looking for. He’s lost enough of his memory to be unsure where he is or how he got here, enough apparently to have lost the memory of working for the Department, but doesn’t seem to have lost all of his Department indoctrination with it – at least, assuming that his terror of Korval is an artifact of the Department and not part of either of the more peaceful-seeming life times he remembered as he woke. (And the irony is, it wasn’t Korval who left him broken-bodied on the doorstep of the Bedel; Korval would have tried to prevent it.)

Miri does Delm Korval really well for someone who’s come to it so recently and had little chance to practice. (Or is that true? It’s been nearly a year now since she and Val Con became delm, and they probably had to work it quite a bit during the Korval’s last few months on Liad.) In any case, we’ve seen people who’ve been delm longer than she’s been alive who don’t do it nearly so well.

I wonder what it says about me that I listen the story of Riva and what I think is: Okay, so horse twelve lost very thoroughly – but, just out of interest, how did horse seven do?