Tag Archives: Luck (talent)

Trader’s Leap – Chapter 9 (V-IX)

Dutiful Passage
Millsap Orbit

In which Padi has a long day.

Shan has a plan: to visit the Redlands, which it turns out is not one country, or even one planet, but a system with three inhabited planets.
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 6

Tarona Rusk
Auxiliary Services

In which Section Head Tarona Rusk catches up on the news of her department.

More details about the consequences of the Healing of Tarona Rusk, and more things whose absence was felt in Accepting the Lance. It’s going to be interesting, at some point in the future, to re-read this stretch of the series with Trader’s Leap included in chronological order, and see how much that changes how I feel about Accepting the Lance.
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 5


In which Tekelia vesterGranz has a lot of questions.

A few chapters ago, when I noted the Warden’s description of the Haosa as Civilization’s line of defence, I forgot to add that I suspected the Haosa would describe the relationship somewhat differently.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 47

Six of Us
Jenarian Station

In which Claidyne and Rys are brought up to speed.

We’ve encountered Lucks and Rememberers before, but I think this is the first mention of Finders and of Hearth-Warmers.
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Fortune’s Favors – Chapter 4

In which Mar Tyn wishes to help his friends.

I like Serana’s “we will treat it as it deserves”. Such a polite and gracious way to say they intend to have nothing to do with it.

Serana and Don Eyr have experienced the dangers of a bad “protector”, and the limitations of even a good one, and it’s understandable that they prefer to rely on their own resources.

That little discourse on the nature of Luck is interesting. I wonder if Seignur Veeoni has ever had an opportunity to speak to the Lucks about their work.

Fortune’s Favors – Chapter 2

In which Mar Tyn asks an unaccustomed question.

It seems a bit late in proceedings to be introducing a whole new category of probability-workers, but I suppose that if there are only a few of them and they keep to themselves, and their gifts only affect their immediate vicinity — and the Healers and dramliz choose to have nothing to do with them — one can understand why we haven’t heard of them or seen them at work before now.
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Fortune’s Favors – Chapter 1

In which the luck moves roughly around Mar Tyn eys’Ornstahl.

We have seen one of the gambling Hells of Solcintra Low Port, and a luck-for-hire, before, in “The Beggar King”.

The detail about the Luck being provided with “as much cold tea as you can stomach” is specific enough that it has to mean something. I presume that the idea is camoflage; unless closely inspected, a glass of cold tea would look much like the glasses everyone else is carrying, while being less likely to impair the drinker’s wits at a time when he needs them to stay sharp.
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Crystal Dragon – Chapter 32

Quick Passage

In which the new clan gathers allies.

Yes, I thought that was where I remembered the gambler reappearing.

And I’m thinking that what we have gathered here is the beginnings of Korval’s ally, Clan Erob. Though I’m not sure if it’s all of them, or just the red-headed ones. 🙂

This chapter shows the flip side of Solcintra’s insularity. It neatly explained why the Liadens don’t have some of the things they don’t have, but it also means that another neat explanation is called for regarding why they do have some of the things they do have. Like, as the gambler points out here, healers, seers, and others with abilities resembling those of the dramliz.

The ink is hardly dry on Korval’s charter, and already they’re showing their form as a clan who won’t meekly wait on the Council’s decisions when the right course is plain.