Tag Archives: Benoo Three

Accepting the Lance – Chapter 69


In which the reward for a job well done is another job to do.

And it’s another job that’s going to involve talking to ships with their own intelligences. Being bonded with Bechimo probably means Theo has more of those to look forward to.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 53


In which there is a free and frank exchange of views.

In all the excitement, I don’t think anyone got around to reading the emergency pinbeam message. It should be okay, though; most likely it was just a heads-up about the thing that happens at the end of the chapter, which went okay anyhow.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 51


In which the Pathfinders discuss progress.

The cats are making themselves at home. I wonder if they intend to become members of the crew as well.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 50

Six of Us
Daiellen System

In which Sye Mon and Bon Vit are brought up to speed.

The Daiellen Sector is Surebleak’s neighbourhood, so these two haven’t travelled all that far — or else they headed back once they discovered where the war machines had been sent. Either way, it means it wouldn’t take too long for them to join in with the convocation at Benoo Three if for some reason their presence was required in person.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 49


In which the Pathfinders join the conversation.

Chernak and Stost are welcomed back with some of Clarence’s baking — more maize buttons?
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 42

Surebleak Port
Portmaster’s Office

In which Miri Robertson calls on the Portmaster.

So, what does it portend that Miri visits in the melant’i of plain “Miri Robertson”? Not entirely that she’s calling as an individual, because when it comes down to it she’s still there to speak for Korval, but perhaps that she’s doing so as an ordinary child of Korval and not as a high Korval official. And perhaps also to underline, a little bit, that she’s also a child of Surebleak and wants what’s good for the planet as well as what’s good for her family.

Also, I’m starting to wonder how it came about that some of the devices decided their orders were irregular. It could just be general cussedness, but I wonder if some of them have been talking to Sye Mon.

Accepting the Lance – Chapter 40


In which Theo has an opportunity to put her consensus-building training to work.

Getting a bunch of confused old machines to reach a consensus is likely to take a bunch of time. But, again, taking time is an advantage to Surebleak. Like the saying goes, as long as everybody’s talking, nobody’s shooting.

Accepting the Lance – Chapter 38

Jelaza Kazone

In which there is a new mission for the Pathfinders.

If Spiral Dance is being taken up again, one hopes that Nova didn’t re-engage all the safety features, or at least left her delm with instructions on how to disengage them at need.

One also wonders if anybody’s going to be provoked by yet another instance of a ship taking off from Korval’s back yard instead of a proper shipyard.

Accepting the Lance – Chapter 37


In which it’s time to call in the professionals.

I’m amused by the bit where Theo compares the current gathering to a faculty meeting.

If Bechimo does decide to pursue, as a long-term project, the question of how many devices from the old universe are still wandering around in the new, that might provide a reason beyond personal preference for the two Pathfinders to rejoin the crew.