Tag Archives: Surebleak Port

Accepting the Lance – Chapter 17

Surebleak Orbital Influence Zone

In which Bechimo discovers a new taste sensation.

Because of the name, and the fact that they’re first introduced as a breakfast food, I’d been picturing maize buttons as a kind of breakfast cereal, small and eaten in clusters. It appears from the description here that they’re more in the line of a pastry, large enough to be enjoyed individually (but small enough to be snatched up in a handful).

Accepting the Lance – Chapter 16

Surebleak Port
Portmaster’s Office

In which the Clutch are a law unto themselves.

Now I’m trying to picture how things would have gone down if Korval had still been living on Liad when Emissary Twelve came to visit. Liad has a busier airspace than Surebleak — and an active planetary defence system — so Liaden traffic control might have been moved to express its displeasure more forcefully. I don’t know if it would have made much difference to the emissary, though; Turtles build their ships pretty tough.

Accepting the Lance – Chapter 15

Jelaza Kazone

In which Korval is keeping its head down.

And now we’ve caught up with the final chapter of Neogenesis.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 13

Surebleak Port
Scout Headquarters

In which Daaneka tey’Doshi and Kor Vid yos’Phelium receive their test results.

I wonder if there’s ever going to be a point where the narration switches to referring to the two pilots as “Daaneka” and “Kor Vid”.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 12

Jelaza Kazone

In which Val Con receives a letter from an old family friend.

Timeline sorting: The last two Surebleak chapters of Neogenesis each focus, as this chapter does, on half the delm starting the morning’s work. This one appears to fit between those two; it’s the morning after the first of them, in which Val Con receives the news from Tinsori Light. The second, in which Miri receives an unexpected visitor, appears to yet be in the future.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 10

Surebleak Port
Scout Headquarters

In which Clonak ter’Meulen sees a ghost.

Looks like the separately-published Neogenesis outtake describing part of Daav and Aelliana’s visit with Kamele remains in continuity; it fits neatly into the space left between their last scene in Neogenesis and their first scene here.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 7

Jelaza Kazone

In which Bechimo’s crew prepare for action.

Stost is missing the crew and seems like he’d welcome a chance to serve on Bechimo again, but hasn’t yet reached the point of coming right out and saying so except possibly to Chernak. Chernak might feel the same, but seems to be trying to talk herself out of it. Both of them are probably used to thinking that it’s not up to them where they get assigned, which would have been the case in the life they’ve left behind, but here and now I reckon if they expressed a preference it would have more effect than they’re used to.
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Accepting the Lance – Chapter 5

Surebleak Port
Portmaster’s Office

In which the Portmaster has people looking over her shoulder.

Oh, yeah. And the survey team. I’d forgotten about them, what with so much else going on.
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Opportunity to Seize

[Note: This story was originally published in the chapbook Fortune’s Favors as an untitled fragment, but on being reprinted in A Liaden Universe Constellation, Volume 5 it was given the title “Opportunity to Seize”. Accordingly, I have renamed this blog entry, which was previously “Neogenesis – Outtake”.]

Dudley Lane and Farley Avenue

In which Daav, Aelliana, and Kamele embrace opportunity.

As I read the afterword, this chapter was left out of the novel only because there wasn’t a convenient place to put it without interrupting the flow of the story, not because the events it describes have been superceded. Therefore, unless and until there’s a more definite declaration (or Accepting the Lance comes out and blatantly contradicts it), I’m going to assume it’s canonical.
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Neogenesis – Chapter 26


In which Korval is keeping its head down.

Oh, yeah. And the survey team. I’d forgotten about them, what with so much else going on.
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