Tag Archives: Bechimo Captain bonding

The Gathering Edge – Chapter 18

Exercise Room

In which Theo exercises her body and her mind.

I’ve had something of a track record on this blog, with the novels where I’m reading for the first time instead of re-reading, of noting something in an entry and then finding the very next chapter either pushing it further than I expected or completely contradicting it. I don’t think this is actually a problem; I think it’s a sign that the authors are pacing the story properly and layering in the foreshadowing well, so that the reader starts thinking about things just as they are about to become important.
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The Gathering Edge – Chapter 15


In which some important things are learned.

I like Stost’s reaction to the promise of being kept safe.
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The Gathering Edge – Chapter 13


In which preparations are made ahead of the captain’s debriefing.

Watching the Pathfinders try to make sense of Joyita while lacking the key detail about him is kind of amusing.
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The Gathering Edge – Chapter 11


In which Bechimo’s crew welcomes the survivors.

That’s a nice wielding of melant’i Kara does toward the end of the chapter, reinforcing her recommendation by giving it, with appropriate variations, from under several different hats.
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The Gathering Edge – Chapter 8

Repair Bug

In which it’s time for a new plan.

I like the moments of characterization in this chapter: Kara the enginner being annoyed at being reduced to guessing and suspicious that her best guess predicts that everything will go off smoothly; Chernak the soldier reflecting on her status with the gods.
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The Gathering Edge – Chapter 7

Beneath the Laughing Cat

In which preparations are made for docking.

I appreciate the discussion of the distinction between a “Pathfinder” and an “Explorer”.
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The Gathering Edge – Chapter 3

Wyrd Space

In which some introductions take place.

It occurs to me to wonder if there’s some kind of familial connection between the norbears and the Trees. Then again, there might be species all over the place that communicate through mental images; we don’t really know.
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The Gathering Edge – Chapter 2

Wyrd Space

In which the crew’s investigations find a whole lot of nothing.

I’m getting a bit confused about what Theo does or doesn’t know about Spiral Dance. There’s that one comment in this chapter where she indicates she knows Cantra had a ship of that name, but the rest of the time she seems more surprised than I’d expect by things which follow naturally from that, like the ship being of the old universe and the tree on the bridge being related to Korval’s Tree.

When Joyita remarks that Clan Korval is likely to have extensive records of a nature related to their problem, I wonder if it is, among other things, his own more subtle attempt to get Theo to heed Val Con’s request to return to Surebleak.

The Gathering Edge – Chapter 1

Wyrd Space

In which Bechimo‘s crew find a solution to a problem.

In the first proper chapter, we return to the crew of Bechimo, who are still where we left them, in the wyrd space with the mysteriously-appeared ship Spiral Dance.
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Dragon Ship – Chapter 38

Jemiatha’s Jumble Stop

In which Bechimo gains a Captain.

Joyita stepping in to help Theo past her moment of panic ties back to the conversation earlier about whether Theo likes Joyita more than Bechimo, and why: Theo trusts her ship, but even so she finds it reassuring to be interacting with someone who has a face.

I mentioned, way back near the beginning of Ghost Ship, that the investiture of the Department’s new Commander reminded me of something that would happen later, and this is it. The installation of Bechimo‘s Captain seems to involve similar technology, although in a more refined form (or perhaps just in a form designed by someone who cared about the well-being of the person it would be used on).

Which brings to mind the question: If the Commander of Agents is in a similar relationship to the one Theo now has with Bechimo, who or what is the Commander in a relationship with? And for the more efficient pursuit of what purpose?