Tag Archives: Lady Selph

Trader’s Leap – Chapter 38


In which Padi discusses her day with a friend.

If the authors do more stories in the Redlands, they have some places they can start.
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 31

Dutiful Passage
Colemeno Orbit

In which the visitors prepare to be received.

I wonder if the cats had anything interesting to say in their nameday greetings, or if Jeeves just translated their message into human-polite.
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 24 (V-VIII)


In which yos’Galan makes connections.

I can’t remember the last book in which we had so many bows in so few chapters. The last few books have either been set on Surebleak or involved people being off having adventures among the Terrans, so there hasn’t been so much opportunity for Liadens interacting.
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 23

Dutiful Passage
Private Meeting Room

In which Dyoli and Mar Tyn consider what’s to do.

Two thirds of the way into the book, and I still don’t know who the people on the cover are, but I’m beginning to consider the possibility that it might be Dyoli and Mar Tyn.
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 21

Dutiful Passage
En Route to Volmer

In which Shan consults several people regarding the future.

We now have the names and descriptions of all three planets of the Redlands system: apart from Colemeno, there is Ukarn, site of a mining operation, and Metlin, site of a scientific research base. (Metlin is the name of one of the Liaden weekdays; I don’t have any insights to offer about the etymology of the others.)
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 17

Dutiful Passage

In which Lady Selph goes visiting.

Not much of immediate moment happens in this chapter, but a lot of things are about to happen.
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 15

Dutiful Passage

In which Mar Tyn pai’Fortana answers some questions.

When Mar Tyn offered to let Priscilla bind him, I completely missed the implication until it was spelled out; I was thinking of handcuffs or similar.
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 14


In which the Haosa welcome new arrivals.

We learn a bunch about life Off-Grid in this chapter.
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Trader’s Leap – Chapter 13

Dutiful Passage

In which there is an unexpected detour or two.

I think that when Priscilla talks about “ambient noise”, she doesn’t mean quite the same thing as the Haosa do when they talk about “the ambient”. If it is, it’s noteworthy that the course of action suggested by her training is to try to block it out.
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